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- DYFS / Division of Child Protection and Permanency Litigation. Our firm becomes involved with families as soon as DYFS contacts our clients and begins an investigation. We immediately take action in order to avoid or appeal a DYFS determination that your case has been substantiated. Our goals are to prevent children from being removed from the custody of their parents, reunite children with their parents after a removal and terminate the Division’s involvement in the lives of our clients. We provide aggressive representation to parents who are in danger of having their children removed in Care and Supervision cases and to parents who have had their children taken by the Division after a Dodd removal and the filing of a Custody, Care and Supervision case. When children have been removed from their home, the parents generally have up to one year to have their children returned. Thereafter, DYFS may seek to terminate parental rights. When the Division becomes involved with your family, an attorney should be consulted immediately.